Lamiales = Pflanzen



The main theme is loss of connection. When the connection is lost the mind easily delves into abstraction. This may explain the frightening dreams and why some members

of the Lamiales are associated with Shamanism.

The polarity is trying to hold on to the outside world - both to work and to relationships. This results in anxiety and suspicion. The compensatory behaviour is to become as attractive as possible. Loss of connection in the Lamiaceace and in the Boraginaceae is seen in a tendency to withdraw into a trance-like state. Lamiaceae normally quite

sexual and affectionate, but also impressionable and easily overexcited. Upset they become morose, private and incommunicative, and their thoughts become disconnected

and confused.


Miasm: Cancer.           

TCM. - Elements: Cold and sweet with an affinity for the liver.


Calceolaria integrifolia = Pantoffelblume



* Labiatae = Lamiaceae Anhängsel (Jan Scholten/JJ Kleber/Wilhelm Pelikan/N.C. Das)

Acknowledgement 1. not being acknowledged (at work/at home/in the family/with friends/with parents/orphan), 2. full of emotions + can’t express them/holding-on to

and penting up of feelings/puts feelings into words. Ambitious + NEED of acknowledgement. Element: Feuer

Flowers resembling the lips of a mouth. and four-lobed ovaries.

excitability #/+ being numb for the world/(self)control (others)/Pathology: Labia and vagina.


SENsitivity to touch

Coll.: Anerkennung durch Schwangerschaft,

Orig-v. Anerkennung/Genuss im Sexuellem finden

Oci-b.: Anerkennung in Religiösem,

Oci-s: Angst vor Unfälle (Träume)/will Anerkennung in Erste Hilfeleistung,

Melissa. officinalis: = machtlos wenn nicht anerkannt/wird ärgerlich

Excitement (evening) Vivid Trembling Shocked Asthma.


Thoughts rushing AND wandering.

Furcht vor Langeweile (ADHS)


This family of plants has been found to have great medicinal potential (Githinji and Kokwaro, 1993:197-203). This plant family has a worldwide distribution, but is native

to the Mediterranean region. They are used for their volatile oils, which are obtained by distillation. These plants also have culinary uses for flavouring as well as

ornamental uses. (Hickey and King, 1997:119.) Plants are mainly herbs or shrubs, often with square stems. The leaves are usually opposite, simple, without stipules, often

hairy, and with epidermal glands secreting volatile oils. The flowers are usually bisexual and irregular. The fruit is usually a group of four nutlets; each containing one

seed, and the seed usually has little or no endoderm. (Hickey and King, 1997:119.) Many plants in this family have antioxidant properties (Nakatani, 2000:141).

Herbs in the Labiatiae family have been demonstrated, in vitro, to have an anti-HIV-1 activity (Yamasaki et a/., 1998:829-833).


[Rob Peters]

Act upon the mucous membranes situated between the exterior and interior: nose, bladder, uterus, anus and lips.

[Masi-group and Jan Scholten]

Applications of the Labiates.

The Labiates belong to a large family that are found growing over the entire planet. For their habitat they prefer the open fields. Because of their lovely smell and delicious taste many species of this family are used in the kitchen. We are all acquainted with the merits of basil, oregano, thyme and rosemary as smell- and taste-enhancers in the various Mediterranean dishes.

The relief-bringing quality of thyme to break up mucus in the common cold is well known to most of us. In anthroposophical medicine the warmth qualities of the Labiates are praised. And because of these qualities the oils are used internally as well as externally, e.g. the oil of Rosemary is used as additional therapy in diabetes.

Labiates have an incarnating effect on the psyche because of their warmth quality.

Chemistry of the Labiates

Contain aromatic carbohydrates in the form of phenols, which have an antiseptic- as well as an aromatic action. With the aid of the Terpenes in the plants contain, they protect themselves against insects, fungi and bacteria. Other constituents are: Phosphorus, Vanadium, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Lithium and Molybdenum.

Themes of the Labiates

The patients are full of emotions but can’t express them; they find it hard to put their feelings into words. They are ambitious and have a great need of acknowledgement.

Lots of people need recognition. When this need is distorted and is a main issue in the case history it becomes a theme. This theme together with the holding-on to and pent-up of feelings brings the Labiates into the picture. The lack of acknowledgement is felt in a variety of settings: at work, at home in the family, with friends and with parents, but most of all in the lack that is felt in the relation to the father who is very often dominating. Patients who need a Labiate suffer from the fact that they aren’t recognized for their own qualities by their parents or partner. The lack of acknowledgement is very strong in the prototype of the orphan (proving Wad-stories 2): No parents and thus no recognition of his biological descent.

All members of this family probably need acknowledgement, but all in their own specific way.

The following presumptions need to be verified (confirmed) in daily practice:

Teucrium wants to be acknowledged at (in) his work.

Oregano tries to find acknowledgment/ gratification in the sexual field.

For Ocimum basilicum the field of acknowledgment lies in the religious sector.

The tender point of Collinsonia is pregnancy. She doesn’t recognize her own pregnancy!!

Patients who need Melissa officinalis feel powerless when not acknowledged and become angry.

Ocimum sanctum patients are afraid of accidents (dream of accidents) and try and find acknowledgement in managing or joining a first-aid-group.

So we see that these Labiate patients look for gratification of their deep need for acknowledgement in those around.

It is wonderful to see that in my patient the reaction to Thymolum results in a greater self-assertion and self-recognition: “I buy myself a bunch of flowers”.

The projection of the fulfillment of her need on to those around her dissolves and her delusion evaporates.

Ambition: To get recognition the Labiates throw themselves ambitiously into their work (Potassium) and try to make a good impression (Calcium).

They do their best, but that is never good enough.

Massimo Mangialavori has added to the rubric "Ambition" the following Labiates: Mentha-p, Oregano, Thyme, and Scutellaria.

In the context of the theme of the Labiates, ambition has the connotation of: “It is my duty to do my best”. We also find this theme in the iron group: Vanadium,

Ferrum, Manganum, Cuprum and Chromium: As we have seen these above minerals are, like Phosphorus, important constituents of the Labiates.

Bottling-up: Labiates express themselves insufficiently and don’t show their vulnerability.

The cause of this situation can be found in their youth: parents who don’t show their own feelings, who don’t tell the truth etc. The patients are talkative but don’t

convey their feelings.


Repertory Rubrics:

Loquacity: oci-c. teucr. thymol.

Indisposed to talk: lycps. orig.

Quiet disposition: scut.

Aphasia: oci-c.

Desires salt: lycps. teucr. (nat-m)

Thyroid problems (for bottling-up the Dutch say “op-kroppen and krop = crop = goitre).

Goitre: lam. Lycps. scut.

Pain throat: menth. oci-s.

Spasms Restrain, retain (Cupr-met.): Head, pain, cramping: teucr.

Temples, cramping: rosm.

Stomach, pain, cramping: coll. teucr.

Abdomen, pain, cramping: coll. lycps. teucr.

Congestion Nose obstruction: menthol. teucr.

Haemorrhoids: coll. lam. lycps.

Abdomen, distension: coll. lam.

Constipation: coll. hedeo. lam. lycps.

Hemorrhage: coll. lycps. hedeo.

Metrorrhagia: coll. lycps. oci-s. rosm.

Chest, hemorrhage: coll. lam. lycps.

Anus, hemorrhage: coll. glech. lycps.

Sedative, tranquillizing and sleep-inducer Restlessness: coll. lam. menth-pu. menthol. Oci-c. orig. scut. thymol.

Irritability: lycps. oci-c. orig. teucr. thymol.

Sleeplessness: lam. lycps. teucr.

Antiseptic, inflammation: lycps. teucr.

Sinusitis: menth. teucr.

Inflammation kidney: coll. lycps. oci-c.

Bladder, morbid urging: hedeo. lycps. oci-c. scut.


The Labiates act upon the mucous membranes which are situated between the exterior and interior: nose, bladder, uterus, anus and lips.


Agastache. = Huo-xiang/Sprossteile/= Pogestemon (= Patchouli)-ähnlich

Campher. in den ätherischen Ölen

Capraria biflora = goatweed/= aphrodisisch./= Yin-Yang-Huo

Catar. = Cham-ähnlich/= Valer-ähnlich

Coleus. aromatica

Coll. = Sep + akut/= für Arn-ähnliche Beschwerden gebraucht/Anerkennung durch Schwangerschaft,

Galeopsis = gelber. Hohlzahn. Phytologie: Lungen


Hedeo. = Penny royal/= Frauenminze/N. Amerika/abortiv

Hyss-o. = Salv-ähnlich


Balota nigra = Schwarznessel/= Stink.-Andorn/= Gott.-vergess.

Beto. = Feuerkraut/= Heil-Ziest/= Flohblume/= Pfaffenblume/= Zahn-/= Zehrkraut           

Dracocephalum = Drakenkop            

Lallemanthia iberica = Iberischer Drachenkopf Omega-3-Fettsäuren.

Lam-officinalis = Taubnessel von Ameisen als Brutstätte gebraucht









Marrubium peregrinum = Wander-Andorn


Melissa officinalis: empfindet sich machtlos wenn nicht anerkannt und wird ärgerlich




Mentho. = All-c-ähnlich + weniger Niesen/Absonderung

Nepeta cataria. = Kattekruid/= Katzenminze

Tectona grandis = Teakbaum


Ocimum spp

[Veshara Malapermal]

Safety, therapeutic effectiveness, economic benefits and availability are advantages claimed for medicinal plants in the treatment of various ailments therefore need to be subject to scientific study.

The genus Ocimum is among those plants recognised for their medicinal attributes being rich in phenolic compounds.

The genus Ocimum belongs to the family Lamiaceae/Labiatae and is presently one of the most studied genera worldwide (Kaya et al. 2008) with more than 150 sp. distributed in both subtropical and tropical regions worldwide, and are used to treat and manage a variety of human ailments (Tchoumbougnang et al. 2006).

The plants here mentioned are selected for this study are Ocimum sanctum (= O. tenuiflorum) = commonly referred to as Holy basil/Tulsi and Ocimum basilicum, commonly referred to as Sweet basil.

Indian and African communities are identified as leading users of traditional plants (Afolayan and Sunmonu 2010; Grover et al. 2002).

India is the leading manufacturer of Ayurvedic medicine, using genera such as Ocimum sp. for effective treatment and management of various diseases (Kuldeep et al. 2013).

Ocimum sp. have been studied intensively, and reveal that many subspecies and varieties are globally distributed (Carović-Stanko et al. 2011). This is due to the recurring polymorphism of

plants all of which produce essential oils with varying chemical composition of the genus (Carović-Stanko et al. 2011) due to edaphic and geographic factors (Tchoumbougnang et al.2006).

This is a useful indicator for plant improvement and an effective means of maintaining genetic resources of Ocimum sp., besides their effective medicinal uses (Harisaranraj et al. 2008). Despite many efforts, taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships within the Ocimum genus are still in question due to the recurring genetic, chemical and geographical variability.

In South Africa this crop has adapted to many geographic regions and climates, making it reliable for large scale production (Fang 2011).

Oxidative stress induced by chronic hyperglycaemia (Kil et al. 2004) has been shown to be a major underlying mechanism for the formation of harmful byproducts that accumulate

and contribute to development of the long-term complications associated with diabetes (Neri et al. 2005).

Oxidative stress reflects an imbalance between the systemic manifestations of reactive oxygen species (ROS) constantly formed in the human body and the quantities of antioxidant products required to restore balance, causing vasoconstriction (Kuyvenhoven and Meinders 1999). Excess production of ROS leads to the impairment of equilibrium between pro-oxidants and antioxidant systems (Sharma and Kar 2014).

The activation of a number of metabolic pathways induced by chronic hyperglycaemia produce endproducts that contribute to the development of long-term complications associated with diabetes (Kuyvenhoven and Meinders 1999). For example, the activation of the polyol pathway causes decreased nitric oxide and prostaglandin synthesis, which results in endothelial dysfunction and hypertension.

Increased polyol pathway activity can induce retinopathy and neuropathy. Similarly, increased protein kinase C (PKC) pathway activity and the formation of non-enzymatic

glycation of proteins can lead to the increased risk of developing nephropathy, neuropathy and retinopathy.

In addition, increased hexosamine pathway activity can potentiate macromolecular damage. Proper glycaemic control, blood pressure management and lipid modification

are important to consider as they may independently slow the progression of diabetic related micro-and macrovascular complications, and thus reduce the rates of diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, diabetic foot infections, atherosclerosis and other associated cardiovascular events, including dyslipidaemia, hypertension, hypercoagulability and obesity (Ratner 2001/Mizuno et al. 2008).

Apart from the current therapeutic options, many herbal medicines have been proposed for the treatment of diabetes (Jarald et al. 2008).

The use of medicinal plants are part of traditional practice in many countries and cultures (Soumyanath 2006) incl. South Africa (van de Venter et al. 2008),

because of their availability, effectiveness, minimal side effects and low cost.

Investigation into antidiabetic agents from traditional medicinal plants is a major driver ofresearch (Palatty et al. 2013).


The use of traditional medicine in the treatment of diabetes

In Africa, many plants are traditionally used for the management and control of various ailments (Baynes 2006) incl. diabetes (Kavishankaret al.2011).

globally, approximately 85,000 medicinal plant species (sp.) are reported as medicinally useful (Liu and Wang 2008), few have received scientific scrutiny despite medical and scientific recommendation from the WHO (WHO 2007).

In South Africa, victims of chronic diseases are turning to herbal medicines as alternative sources of treatment as recommended by the National Department of Health (2006).

This renewed interest in plant medicines as alternative therapy to restore health or treat diseases is believed to be motivated by factors such as their effectiveness, that they

are more specific and that they contain diverse secondary metabolites which provide numerous health benefits. The orchestra of chemical compounds within the plants work

together synergistically allowing active compounds to be available to produce maximal therapeutic efficiency that are less toxic than high doses of individual components (van Huyssteen 2007).

Traditional medicine (TM) may provide an effective solution to the threat of diabetes worldwide, thus helping to reduce chronic disease complications and deaths (Fang 2011).

World ethnobotanical information on medicinal plants has reported up to 800 plants used for the treatment of diabetes (Udayakumar et al. 2009).

Numerous medicinal plants offer sustainable management of the sugar levels among diabetic patients and validated for their hypoglycaemic potential using experimental animal models (Yeh et al.


Plants such as Momordica charantia and Eugenia jambolana have been shown to ameliorate diabetic complications such as neuropathy, nephropathy, fructose-induced insulin resistance, and

cataracts in experimental animals (Premila and Conboy 2007).

Diabetes is thus a common disease for investigation using natural products.

However, the mechanism of action +/o. the components that specifically exert blood glucose lowering effects on tissues or organs remain unknown (Prabhakar and Doble 2011/Palatty et al. 2013). Diabetic research on the therapeutic effectiveness of natural plant products of SA is limited (Afolayan and Sunmonu 2010), therefore, this study is aimed at improving the management of diabetes by investigating novel compounds and the synergistic action of medicinal plants, marking a promising future and better usage of South Africa’s medicinally important plants.


Ethnobotanical properties of Ocimum sp.

Safety, therapeutic effectiveness, economic benefits and availability are advantages claimed for medicinal plants in the treatment of various ailments therefore need to be subject to scientific study.

The genus Ocimum is among those plants recognised for their medicinal attributes being rich in phenolic compounds.

The genus Ocimum belongs to the family Lamiaceae/Labiatae and is presently one of the most studied genera worldwide (Kaya et al. 2008) with more than 150 sp. distributed in both subtropical and tropical regions worldwide, and are used to treat and manage a variety of human ailments (Tchoumbougnang et al. 2006).

The plants selected for this study are Ocimum sanctum (O. tenuiflorum) commonly referred to as Holy basil/Tulsi, and Ocimum basilicum, commonly referred to as Sweet basil.


Oci-b. Anerkennung in Religiösem,

Oci. = Camph-ähnlich in Urinorganbeschwerden



Oci-sa. Angst vor Unfälle (Träume)/will Anerkennung in Erste Hilfeleistung,



Orig. = Majoranum hortensis

Ocig-v. versucht Anerkennung/Genuss im Sexuellem zu finden,

Orthosiphon aristatus = Katzenbart

Pogostemon cablin o. patchouly Räucherwaren.

Prosopis glandulosa = Mesquite

Prosopis juliflora = Mesquite


Plect. = Buntnessel/= Harfennessel/Mottenkönig

Plect-caninus. = Verpiss-dich-Pflanze/hält Hunden ab ihren Haufen hinzusetzen

Prunella vulgaris = All-heal/= Bijenkorfje




Salvia apiance = „white“ sage Räucherwaren.

Salvia. divinorum = Psil-Ersatz

Salvia. sclerea

Salvia pomifera (produces cherry-sized galls at the end of its shoots/Creta)

Scut. = Caust - revolutionäre Ideen

Scutellaria macrantia


Tectona grandis = Teak



Teucr-sdm. = Teucr-s-ähnlich + Fäulnis




 * Labiatae (Agn. = ähnlich).

Utricularia foliosa.

 * Verbenaceae

Agn. = Arg-met-ähnlich


Clerod-i. = Ip-/Puls-ähnlich




Verbascum nigrum = Wegekerze.

        Aloysia citriodora


 * Nyctaginaceae



 * Olaeacae

Anhang (W. Pelikan/JJ Kleber)



Frax-e. = Cassia-ähnlich + schwach in Blätter

Fraxinus griffithii = Esche Bonsaigruppe.

Fraxinus nigra = Black Ash.

Fraxinus uhdei = Immergrüne Esche Bonsaigruppe

Mannit = E 421 Zuckeraustauschstoff aus Mannaeschenbaum/gewonnen aus Zosteraceae (= Seegrasgewächse)/Alismatales. in Laminaria (= Braunalgen) Süßmittel Verursacht Durchfall/Blähungen


Jasminum nudiflorum = sieboldianum = Winterjasmin

Ligustrum delavayanum Bonsaigruppe

Ligustrum japonicum Bonsaigruppe

Ligustrum mutellina = Mutterkraut/= Bärenfenchel.

Ligustrum sinense = Chinesischer Liguster Bonsaigruppe

Ol-eur. = Olive


* Orobanchae



Hyobanche sanguineae = Richtersveld/= Sommerwurz Ausgangsstoff Blüte, Blatt, Stamm, Wurzel

Melampyrum pratens = Wachtelweizen von Ameisen als Brutstätte gebraucht

Pedicularis canadensis (Pedcir) = "Wood betony"/= Canada lousewort


Glieder: Koordination fehlend, gestört

Rhinanthus angustifolius.= Großer Klappertopf/= Greater Yellow-rattle


** Scrofulariaceae

Anhang (Rosina Sonnenschmidt/JJ Kleber)

Comparison Scrophulariaceae, Conifers and Leguminosae.

Blüten sehen aus wie Rachen/= behaart/= oft Halb- o. Vollparasiten

Bindungen sind nicht stark, also wollen sie alles ganz festhalten und wenn Verbindungen brechen, kommen Furcht, Schreck und Wahnideen

[R. Sankaran]

Bindungen sind nicht stark, also wollen sie alles ganz festhalten und wenn Verbindungen brechen, kommen Furcht, Schreck und Wahnideen

Stärken Ätherleib + hemmen Astralleib

Enthalten Pb.

Scrophularia Allgemein XYZ (Scroph-xyz)

Family sensation (Sankaran) As if: Holding on to reality, life, family. Weakness of connection, As if bonds easily broken.

DD.: minerals Stadium 15. [Ars. and Phos.].

Veronica: "Delusions, people are distant" or Verbascum "Dreams, dead people."

Scrophulariaceae Rubrics ...

Indifferent and sleepy

Frightened on waking.

Fancies, Lascivious.



Serious, earnest


Auge: Skrofulöse Erkrankungen

Hören: Taub, Verlust des Gehörs

Bauch: Schmerz/Entzündung (Leber/Appendix)

Blase: Urinieren unwillkürlich

Nieren: Schmerz - Harnleiter

Rücken: Steifheit in Zervikalregion

Glieder: Schmerz - rheumatisch/Krämpfe in Handflächen

Schlaf: Schläfrig

Haut: Hautausschläge

Bacopa monnieri.

Buddl. = Schmetterlingsstrauch

Cymbalaria muralis = Zimbelkraut/= Muurleeuwenbek.

Dig. unglückliche Liebe + Herzbeschwerden/= Ant-c-ähnlich

Dig-la. = Dig + ungewünschte Reaktion darauf/= Dig + zweifacher Wirkung

Dig-l. = Dig-ähnlich + weniger giftig

Digin. = Dig + schwach/= Bufogift-ähnlich






Miml-g. BB


Paulownia Landgewinnung. Wachstumgruppe.

Picrorhiza kurruo = Gent-l.-ähnlich

Picrorhiza scrophularia = Pircrorhiza kuruo-ähnlich

Penstema = Schildpadbloem/= Bartfaden.


        * Plantaginaceae

Antirrhinum majus = Snapdragon.

Antirrhinum = Löwenmäulchen. Pflanzengattung, die heute auf Grund molekularbiologischer Daten in die Familie der Wegerichgewächse (Plantaginaceae) eingeordnet wird.

Traditionell wurde sie zu Scrophulariaceae gerechnet. Scholten: Stadium 15.

Grat. = chronisches Cham/= wie Nux-v für Frauen



Plantago maritima = halophyth. Strandvegetation.



Rehmannia glutinosa [rehmannia root (= Chinesische Bezeichnung / Pinyin: DI HUANG/Deutsch: Rehmannia-Wurzel/Englisch: Chinese foxglove root/Bezug: Herz, Leber, Niere/wirkt tief/bitter, süß) „Rehmanniae Radix“ genießt in der TCM ein hohes Ansehen. Darauf verweist der Eintrag im Kräuterbuch von „Shen Nong“. Englische Namen „chinese foxglove root cooked in wine“ oder „prepared rehmannia root“, der chinesische Name heißt „Shu Di Huang“. Deutsch: „Rehmannia-Wurzel, vorbehandelt“.

Der Begriff „Rehmannia-glutinosa-Wurzel“ wird synonym verwendet. Die Rehmannia-Wurzel stammt vom „Klebrigen Chinafingerhut“ (botanisch „Rehmannia glutinosa“ oder „Digitalis glutinosa“). „Rehmannia glutinosa“ gehört zur Familie der Wegerichgewächse (Plantaginaceae) in der Ordnung der Lippenblütlerartigen (Lamiales). Früher wurde der „Klebrige Chinafingerhut“ der Familie der Braunwurzgewächse (Scrophulariaceae) zugeordnet. Sein natürliches Verbreitungsgebiet befindet sich in China.

Der Klebrige Chinafingerhut ist eine krautige Staude und blüht im späten Frühjahr. Die zygomorphen Blüten sind fünfzählig sowie rosafarben. „Digitalis glutinosa“ bevorzugt durchlässige Böden an halbschattigen Standorten].

       * Veronicaceae

Capraria biflora = goatweed/= aphrodisich/= Yin-Yang-Huo




 * Pedeliaceae verwandt mit Bignonoiaceae


Sesamus indica = Sesam

 * Bignoniaceae

Catal. = China-ersatz



Jacaranda Bonsaigruppe.

Tababuia chrysantha Venezuela Staatssymbol.

Tabebuia rosea El Salvador Staatssymbol

Tabetuia avellanedae = Lapacho/= Peau d’arco

 * Acanthaceae


Avicennia marina = Teil Mangrove.


Jacobinia pauciflora = Jacobinie Bonsaigruppe.


Just-r. = Just-ähnlich + blutiger Auswurf/Erbrechen/wenn Just versagt

Thunderbergia acalata = black-eyed susanne

 * Lentibulariaceae

Ping-vg. lentibularia o. Utricularia vulgaris lebt auf Wasseroberfläche Gesneriaceae





             * Pedeliaceae verwandt mit Bignonoiaceae


Sesamus indica = Sesam

 * Bignoniaceae

Catal. = China-ersatz



Jacaranda Bonsaigruppe.

Tababuia chrysantha Venezuela Staatssymbol.

Tabebuia rosea El Salvador Staatssymbol.

Tabetuia. avellanedae = Lapacho/= Peau d’arco

 * Oliaceae

 * Acanthaceae

 * Lentibulariaceae

Ping-vg. lentibularia o. Utricularia vulgaris lebt auf Wasseroberfläche

 * Gesneriaceae



Vorwort/Suchen Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum