Stadien des Periodensystem


[Jan Scholten]

The 18 Stages of the Periodic Table

The Stages of the periodic table are an essential tool in analyzing cases and remedies. They are called Stages as they represent the stage in a development, the cycle of life. It start with the rise and growth, come to a full development and then decline again, ending in nothing. They agree with the columns of the periodic table. But they can be applied to all remedies.


Stadium/Gruppe 1. The spontaneous start, the impulsive begin. Things are done without being thought over, without reflection. This leads to naive, instinctive, simplistic and even childish or foolish behavior. It can lead to one-sidedness, which seems rigid. Manic. Alone and lonely.

Spontaner Anfang

Hydrogenium./ Lithium./ Natrium./ Kalium./ Rubidium./ Cäsium./ Francium.

Stadium/Gruppe 2.               unsichere(s) Bestimmung/Ziel     

Beryllium./ Magnesium./ Calcium./ Strontium./ Barium./ Radium.


Unsure, timid. Doesn’t know what he is worth, what he can do, so remains passive or adapts to the situation. He just watches and feels watched at the same time, so he hides. He wants and needs protection and support. Bewildered and overwhelmed.

Stadium/Gruppe 3.               Erforscht versuchsweise

Scandium. / Yttrium. (Y) Lanthanoides. (Sam-met). Actinoides. (Plut./Thor-met./Uran-met.) Neptunium.x


Searching, for the right thing, trying and comparing possibilities. He feels unsure and easily underestimates himself, so he cannot come to a conclusion. He avoids a decision, does not commit himself.

Stadium/Gruppe 4.               Gründet verbindlich

Titanium. Zirconium. Hafnium. Kurtschatovium.


The real official start. It can be the founding of business, a marriage, a contract. The decision is made, the commitment stated. But one can feel unsure, astonished that it can be done. This can lead to irresolution and amazement.

Stadium/Gruppe 5.               Vorbereiten/weiter machen # aufgeben                            

Vanadium. Niob. Tantalum. Hahnium.

The preparation of the work, the plans and proposals after the start is made. But the work looks too big, the mountain to high to climb, insurmountable. So he is easily discouraged, disappointed in his provisory plans. He alternates between going on and giving up, avoiding and postponing the work to his unrealistic goal.

Stadium/Gruppe 6.               (Sich) beweisen müssen

Chrom. Molybdän. Wolfram. (= Tungsten. Seaborgium).

This is the challenge. One has to do things, prove one’s power. One is forced to act, it is inevitable and inescapable. It has to be done, the bridges are burnt behind him. It takes courage and bravery, in the extreme it is the daredevil. The fear of a possible failure can make him do his act alone, covered and secretive.

Stadium/Gruppe 7.                Entwickeln/Erfahrung sammeln/weitergeben 

Mangan. Technetium. (Techn). Rhenium. Nielsbohrium.

Training leads to perfection. He can do his act, but knows he has still to learn a lot more. He has to practice to become a master of everything. He wants to learn from others, likes to cooperate to see how others do things. And he likes to teach and help others on their road to become a master.

Stadium/Gruppe 8.               Durchsetzen/-stehen unter Druck Thema: Ego;

Ferrum. / Ruthenium../ Osmium. Hassium.

This is the real work, everything learnt so far has to be assembled, put together. But the amount of work is massive, huge. So one needs perseverance, endurance, power and force. One feels pressured due to lack of time, struggling against deadlines. One has to push and fight against the inertia of matter and resistance of people. One can be irritated by opposition.

Stadium/Gruppe 9               Letzter Anlauf nach viel Arbeit

Cobaltum. / Rhodium../Iridium. Meitnerium. 

The body of work has be done, but the last details have to be filled in. Practically the goal is reached. Virtually the work is finished. Minor adaptations can be made after the dress rehearsal. The book can be completed after the corrections of the proofreaders. The contract just has to be approved and signed. But the fear of a blunder, a failure at the examination can make one the call the whole thing off.

Stadium/Gruppe 10.             Erfolg

Niccolum../ Palladium../ Platinum.

The goal is reached. One feels at the top, the summit. It is the glory of the winner, the brilliance of a victory. Everything falls into place. It is obvious that one is oneself, the noble person that decides independently and is self-sufficient. One can become so convinced of the success and righteousness, that one becomes rigid, fixed and haughty. Balance and imbalance.

Stadium/Gruppe 11.              Handhaben/(in) Standhalten/selbstbewusst + etwas rigide

Carbon. (Graph)/ Silicium../ Cuprum../ Argentum../ Aurum..


This is the maintenance. One has to hold and keep the position reached, things have to be conserved and preserved. One wants to enjoy the affluence and prosperity. One wants to expand and share the wealth and fortune. Sustenance is possible, but heavy. One protects like a guardian or shepherd. Benevolence. Benign tumors.

Stadium/Gruppe 12.              Wiederholen/Streitereien/Verfall setzt ein

Zincum../ Cadmium../ Mercurius.

The power is exerted to the utmost, is overdone like a tyrant. One has still full power, but feels threatened from all directions. Suspicious of betrayal and attack one defends the power in an exaggerated way. It is overdone, leading to opposition. It is too much of a good thing: overshooting, overdoing, overstating, and boasting. The conservative one rules by division, defending against revolution and decline.

Stadium/Gruppe 13.             Zurückziehen/Rente/Verfall geht weiter  

Borium./ Aluminium../ Gallium../ Indium../ Thallium..

The position can only be held partly, half. One has to retreat and retire. One has to reduce and shrink. But one holds one to old and obsolete things with nostalgic feelings. The antique and outdated things from the past, which are the best, must be retired and withdrawn. But they are held in honor in the reduced space. The atmosphere is musty, moldy.

Stadium/Gruppe 14.             Eliminieren/Verfall geht immer weiter

Germanium../ Stannum../ Plumbum..

Form without power; mask, facade, mummy, fossil. The real power is gone, but externally it seems to function still well. One is dismissed, put on a sidetrack. One feels powerless, weak, drained, discharged, empty and hollow. One hides behind the form, diverting real responsibility. Coward.


Stadium/Gruppe 15.              Verlieren/Verfall geht immer weiter

Nitrogen../ Phosphorus../ Arsenicum../ Antimonium../ Bismuthum..

The loss. This is the stage of disappearance of what has been achieved, the bankruptcy, defeat, and death, being fired. Everything is burnt. It can be felt like a shock, being poisoned. One can fight and resistance, refusing to give over. Or one can give in as a surrender, sacrifice or abdication. The best is to forgive and forget.

Stadium/Gruppe 16.               Erinnern/Auflösung/Verfall geht weiter und weiter

Oxygenium. / Sulphur. / Selenium../ Tellurium. / Polonium.

Things are over, in essence. Only the remnants and ashes are left, the leftovers. The remnants can be in a state of decay, putrification, producing and offensive and rotten odor and ugly view. One is disgusted and becomes an outcast. It is like a beggar in rags, seducing and tempting others to give. Only memories are left, bringing one in a state of fantasy of greatness. Deepening and reconciliation. Lazy.

Stadium/Gruppe 17.             Loslassen müssen/Verlust

= Halogene 

Fluor.. / Chlorum. ./ Bromium. / Iodum. / Astat.

This is the eradication, all has to be erased. It has to be ceased, extinguished, abolished, aborted and finalized. One can be forced to quit or flee, being expelled as an outcast. One has to let go everything, even forget memories. It frees, makes one loose from bonds. One can let go with humor. The opposite is to hold on to things, even taking them without asking.

Stadium/Gruppe 18.             Ruhe/völlige losgelöst und bezugslos.

= Edelgase/verbinden sich  nicht mit anderen Elementen.

Helium. Neon. Argon. Krypton. Xenon.. Radon.

This is the denial of action, of everything. It is the pause between actions: rest, holidays, sleep, meditation, coma, death. Things are latent, idle, inert, inactive and quiet. Externally there is no interaction

or communication: autism, cocoon. Internally there can be a transformation. The sensation is of being free, floating, confused, and unconnected. This stage can also be called Stage 0, as it is the Stage before Stage 1 of the new cycle.


The eighteen stages

The eighteen stages are stages in a cycle.

Each cycle consists of the beginning of a project, the successful accomplishment of this project and then its eventual decline and final breakdown. It describes the rise, the success and the fall of any undertaking, project, business or kingdom.

The stages could be seen as separate moments fixed in time in this overall process. They describe the continuing process as if it consisted of different steps that can be lifted out separately.

The stages are the same for each series, so they can be applied to all of them. We just need to bear in mind that the first few series have fewer stages, it is as if they have skipped a few. Further down the line we get progressively more stages, as if there is more differentiation between each stage of development in the later series.

For further information on this I would like to refer to the chapter ‘Further comments on the stages’.

I have given each stage a number instead of a name. It is easier to work with numbers than to remember 18 different names in the right sequence. Later on I added some names to describe the main characteristics of that stage.


[Jan Scholten]

Man kann die Stadien auch als das Prinzip von Schöpfung, Erhaltung und Zerstörung auffassen. Alle Dinge durchlaufen diesen Zyklus in Zeit und Raum.

Stadium 1 - 6: Jedes Ding entsteht und wächst;

Stadium 7 - 12: Blütezeit

Stadium 13 - 17: wird älter, verfällt und stirbt

Man kann dieses zyklische Geschehen durch den Bau und Verfall eines Hauses veranschaulichen.

Stadium 1 - 3: Die Idee, Grundstücksbesichtigung und Bauplanung

Stadium 4 - 6: Dann folgen Grundstückskauf, Aushub und Grundsteinlegung

Stadium 7 - 9: Anschließend folgt der eigentliche Aufbau mit Rohbau, Richtfest, Dach und Innenausbau bis zur Bezugsfertigkeit:

Stadium 10: Nun zieht man ein:

Stadium 11: bewohnt und bewahrt das Haus;

Stadium 12: und so langsam beginnen die ersten Streitigkeiten mit den Nachbarn;

Stadium 13 - 15: Im Lauf der Jahre wechseln die Besitzer, ein neuer Putz wäre längst fällig, die Heizung leckt und die Elektrik müsste komplett erneuert werden. Doch das Geld fehlt,

das Dach hat Löcher bekommen und nach einem heftigen Sturm wird es schwer beschädigt;

Stadium 16 - 17: Langsam verfällt das Haus. Als Ruine wird es schließlich vollends abgerissen, und später weiß keiner mehr davon;

Also summa summarum der Lauf der Dinge.


Moving Toward People

Stadium 1. The need for affection and approval; pleasing others and being liked by them.

Stadium 2.. The need for a partner; one whom they can love and who will solve all problems.

Moving Against People

Stadium 3. The need for power; the ability to bend wills and achieve control over others -- while most persons seek strength, the neurotic may be desperate for it.

Stadium 4. The need to exploit others; to get the better of them. To become manipulative, fostering the belief that people are there simply to be used.

Stadium 5. The need for social recognition; prestige and limelight.

Stadium 6. The need for personal admiration; for both inner and outer qualities -- to be valued.

Stadium 7. The need for personal achievement; though virtually all persons wish to make achievements, as with No. 3, the neurotic may be desperate for achievement.

Moving Away from People

Stadium 8. The need for self sufficiency and independence; while most desire some autonomy, the neurotic may simply wish to discard other individuals entirely.

Stadium 9  The need for perfection; while many are driven to perfect their lives in the form of well being, the neurotic may display a fear of being slightly flawed.

Stadium10. Lastly, the need to restrict life practices to within narrow borders; to live as inconspicuous a life as possible.


The eighteen stages

As we have seen, each series represents a period of development. Each period has a rise and a fall. It has a beginning, a summit and a decline. This rise and fall is divided into stages. The hydrogen series has only two elements. So this series has only two stages yes or no. The Carbon and Silicium series are more differentiated and consist of eight elements. So they have eight stages. The iron, silver and gold series are fully differentiated in eighteen stages. The stages are the vertical columns or the periodic table. All elements of the same stages are in the same column. For example, copper (which is in the iron series), silver, and gold are all in stage 11, the stage of maintaining and keeping up wealth with conservative attitude. In chemistry, the stages are called groups. So copper, silver, gold, which are in 11th  group, have similar chemical properties, because they share the same electron configuration.

A characterisation of each single stage is given in the following chapter of cases of the silver series. Here is a general overview of the dynamics of the stages: the left side elements (stage 1-9) are in the beginning stages, trying to fill up their electrons shells. They strive for completion. Stage 1 just gives away its first and only electron without thinking twice; it begins spontaneously and enters the ’stage’ without doubt. Often even without thinking and just doing it in a native fashion. Stage 2-9 is in doubt if they can make it, but doubt decreases by steps. Thus, stage 2-5 is most uncertain and suffers from indecision, but doubt lessens with growing experience.

Stage 6-9 hides doubt by resolution with growing confidence, until the last shade of doubt has to be discarded in stage9. On reaching the summit or stage 10 in mid-position, there is an equal choice of bonding with left or right-sided atoms. This position naturally feels as if on top of the series, as can be easily seen with the natural arrogance of platinum, which is stage 10 of the gold series and feels on top of the world, looking down upon the small creatures on either side below. Going further (stage 11-17); they begin to encounter a feeling of increasing loss, which is experienced as a decline. Although they feel confident, thinking that they know it all after having reached the summit at stage 10, suspicion enters. From stage 11 onwards, anxiety about losing their position becomes as increasing problem. Stage 16-17 feels like an outcast. Stage 18 is called the noble gas configuration.

Their outer shell is complete and these atoms are chemically inactive. They lose interest in communication, hovering in their orbit like in a cocoon, as if taking a break in between the lines in a nowhere land, before the next round of a new series begins with stage 1 on the next level.

[Ulrich Welte]

Serien und Stadien im Überblick

Die Serien gliedern sich in maximal 18 Stadien. Die Stadien sind die Stufen des Aufstiegs und Falls jeder Serie. Man kann es mit einem Schauspieler vergleichen, der in verschiedenen Dramen auftritt.

Die Serien sind die Dramen, und die Stadien sind die Akte der Dramen. Der Held der Geschichte beginnt das Drama als blutiger Anfänger, entwickelt sich durch Schwierigkeiten, erreicht den Gipfel und muss dann lernen, das erreichte Ziel wieder abzugeben, sich von seinem Erfolg innerlich zu lösen, um schließlich am Ende der Serie ganz frei zu werden für die nächste Ebene.

Man kann die Stadien auch als das Prinzip von Schöpfung, Erhaltung und Zerstörung auffassen. Alle Dinge durchlaufen diesen Zyklus in Zeit und Raum. Jedes Ding entsteht und wächst (St.1–6), hat seine Blütezeit (St.7–12), wird älter, verfällt und stirbt (St.13–18). Man kann dieses zyklische Geschehen durch den Bau und Verfall eines Hauses veranschaulichen. Die Idee, Grundstücksbesichtigung und Bauplanung wären Stadium 1–3. Dann folgen Grundstückskauf, Aushub und Grundsteinlegung (St.4–6).

Anschließend folgt der eigentliche Aufbau mit Rohbau, Richtfest und Innenausbau bis zur Bezugsfertigkeit (St.7–9). Nun zieht man ein (St.10), bewohnt das Haus und hält es instand (St.11), und so

langsam beginnen die ersten Streitigkeiten mit den Nachbarn (St.12). Im Laufe der Jahre wechseln die Besitzer, ein neuer Putz wäre längst fällig, die Heizung leckt und die Elektrik müsste komplett erneuert werden. Doch das Geld fehlt, das Dach hat Löcher bekommen und nach einem heftigen Sturm wird es schwer beschädigt (St.13–15). Langsam verfällt das Haus. Als Ruine wird es schließlich vollends abgerissen, und später weiß keiner mehr davon (St.16–18). Also summa summarum der Lauf der Dinge.

[Mathias Jacob]

In der Praxis hat sich gezeigt, dass die Stadieneinteilung durch Dr. Jan Scholten ein sehr präzises Instrument für die Fall-Analyse und für das Verständnis eines homöopathischen Arzneimittels ist.

Die Einteilung nach Stadien beschränkt sich dabei nicht nur auf das Mineralienreich bzw. PeriodenSymptomstem, sondern hat seine Gültigkeit auch bei Pflanzenfamilien, im Tierreich und bei Nosoden.

Für das Verständnis eignet sich am besten das Periodensystem mit seinen 18 Spalten, die den Stadien entsprechen. Die Idee ist, dass die Stadien einen Entwicklungsprozess aufzeigen:

Ein Geboren werden, Wachsen, Höhepunkt, ein Ende und ein wieder Verschwinden. Das ist der natürliche Gang der Dinge, Leben kommt und Leben geht, jeder Baum wächst aus einem Samen,

wird ein großer Baum mit Krone, verfällt und stirbt. Diese Stadien, die einem menschlichen Lebensprozess entsprechen sind universal und deshalb auch anwendbar bei unseren Ganges Wässern.

Auch hat sich bei den Arzneimittelprüfungen der einzelnen Wässer die Stadieneinteilung nach J. Scholten als hilfreich zum Verständnis der Wirkweise erwiesen. Eine klare Zuordnung der Wirkweise des jeweiligen Wassers wird dadurch möglich. Auch um ein Arzneimittel besser zu verstehen, ist die Stadieneinteilung ein präzises und sehr hilfreiches Instrument. Rein theoretisch einen Fluss zu betrachten z.B. Quelle = Stadium 1, lässt schon Rückschlüsse auf die mögliche Wirkweise dieses Wassers zu. So erhielten wir in der Arzneimittelprüfung Aqua Ganga Gaumukh klare Aussagen, die sich dem

Stadium 1 zuordnen ließen. Prüfungen werden dadurch wissenschaftlicher. Symptome und Aussagen können klar strukturiert werden. Die Arzneimittelprüfung wird klarer und verständlicher und dadurch auch die Verschreibungsmöglichkeit präziser.

[JJ Kleber]

Sankaran: die Stelle in der Periode zeigt die Vollständigkeit der Struktur; von l. nach r. Stadien der Entwicklung der Struktur;

l. nach r.:

links: Gefühl von fehlender Struktur,                                 Mitte Struktur ist erfolgreich,                                 rechts: Struktur droht verloren zu gehen o. ist verloren;

l. Seite noch abhängig

Erste 3 Perioden (Kindheitsentwicklung) ist mehr dauernde Weiterentwicklung, nicht so sehr Zerfall nach der Mitte Struktur

Stadien zeigen wie entwickelt die Struktur ist;

wie fähig die Struktur ist die Aufgaben der jeweiligen Serie zu erfüllen

Wie viel davon schon verloren ist.

Ersten 3 Stadien: dauernde Entwicklung (Wachstum), ohne Betonung auf Verlust nach der Mitte;

Hinter der Mitte setzt Verlust ein

Ab Stadium 11 Verlust der Struktur, könne + wollen alles alleine tun; zunehmende Verlustängste + Misstrauen gegen andere, zunehmend syphilitisch;

Stadium 14 - 18: Abbruch/Versteifung)

Hier sieht Sankaran mehr einen Linearen Entwicklungsprozess von unreif zu reifer:

The 18 stages

     Each series represents a period of development. Each period has a rise and a fall. It has a beginning, a summit and a decline. This rise and fall is divided into stages. The hydrogen series has only two elements. So this series has only two stages yes or no. The Carbon and Silicium series are more differentiated and consist of 8 elements. So they have 8 stages. The iron, silver and gold series are fully differentiated in 18 stages. The stages are the vertical columns or the periodic table. All elements of the same stages are in the same column. For example, copper (which is in the iron series), silver, and gold are all in stage 11, the stage of maintaining and keeping up wealth with conservative attitude. In chemistry, the stages are called groups. So copper, silver, gold, which are in 11th group, have similar chemical properties, because they share the same electron configuration.

    A characterisation of each single stage is given in the following chapter of cases of the silver series. Here is a general overview of the dynamics of the stages: the left side elements (stage 1-9) are in the beginning stages, trying to fill up their electrons shells. They strive for completion.

Stage 1: just gives away its first and only electron without thinking twice; it begins spontaneously and enters the ’stage’ without doubt. Often even without thinking and just doing it in a native fashion. Stage 2 - 9: in doubt if they can make it, but doubt decreases by steps.

Stage 2 - 5: most uncertain and suffers from indecision, but doubt lessens with growing experience.

Stage 6 - 9: hides doubt by resolution with growing confidence, until the last shade of doubt has to be discarded in stage 9.

On reaching the summit or stage 10 in mid-position, there is an equal choice of bonding with left or right-sided atoms. This position naturally feels as if on top of the series, as can be easily seen with the natural arrogance of platinum, which is stage 10 of the gold series and feels on top of the world, looking down upon the small creatures on either side below. Going further (stage 11 - 17); they begin to encounter a feeling of increasing loss, which is experienced as a decline. Although they feel confident, thinking that they know it all after having reached the summit at stage 10, suspicion enters.

Stage 11 onwards: anxiety about losing their position becomes as increasing problem.

Stage 16 - 17: feels like an outcast.

Stage 18: called the noble gas configuration. Their outer shell is complete and these atoms are chemically inactive. They lose interest in communication, hovering in their orbit like in a cocoon,

as if taking a break in between the lines in a nowhere land, before the next round of a new series begins with stage 1 on the next level.


Vergleich: Siehe: Perioden.



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