Asthma Repertory


[Christopher Hedley]

10 Aug 1995 08:25:23 +1100

>> I would be interested in details of lobelia fatalities. There seems to be some difference of opinion pertaining to the toxicity of Lobelia.

The symptoms mentioned in Martindales are more consistant with Datura = stramonium poisoning, than with Lobelia. Note that she had also taken orciprenaline, which

can cause arrythmias and tachycardia...being only slightly more subtle than adrenaline. It would seem that the woman was suffering from heart failure, common enough

with chronic bronchitis and the mixture overstrained her weakened heart.

Lobelia is generally safe to use as a tea or tincture in small doses, since people will vomit long before poisonous doses are reached. There can be a problem with methods

of taking it which by-pass the stomach, such as suppositories, but most herbalists regard it as a generally safe herb. It was used much more often in the past and older

herbals sometimes recommend doses that would be poorly tolerated these days. My advice is to use it only with the guidance of someone who knows the herb well!

Deal with the causes, stress +/o. allergies. Take lung 'tonics' to keep them healthy and clear and use herbs such as Ephedra = Ma Hung as little as possible.

Breathing exercises are the best preventative measure. I know of one person who cured her asthma by taking up swimming - using a crawl stroke done properly, not the

breast stroke trying to keep your head out of the water, which just adds to tension. Luckily she wasn't allergic to the swimming bath additives.

Asthma & swimming pools

    >What is it about the chemicals in the pool that cause a flare up of asthma? Both of my boys get asthma especially bad when they go swimming.

 Chlorine and the newer disinfectants that are added to swimming pools are strong irritants. With severe asthma the irritation is enough to set off an attack, in the same way

as tobacco smoke. In milder cases, or for people with a relativly small number of allergies, you might be able to de-sensitize. The simplest way is to buy the appropriate chemical in homeopathic potency, from your local homeopathic pharmacy or friendly local homeopath. [sorry about the non-herbal input here, but it is the simplest method].

'Speedwell' could be a number of herbs, most likely Veronica spp.

Elecampane root = Inula helenium, Mullein leaves or flowers = Verbascum thaspus, Coltsfoot leaves or flowers = Tussilago farfara and Thyme herb = thymus spp. are my favourite long term, strenghtening herbal teas. Hyssop herb = hyssopus off. can be too drying, especially if the asthma is mostly stress triggered.

Garlic chopped up in honey, 2 or 3 teaspoons daily is excellent if the asthma is always associated with coughs or bronchitis. It is also helpful for allergies.

If there is a large stress component try regular use of relaxing nervines such as Valerian root decoction = valeriana off.

I find the best way to deal with an acute attack is to make up an emulsion of Lobelia and Thyme and rub it into the sufferer's back with nice, smooth, circular movements

but, again, it is best to find professional guidance, at least at first.


People with asthma. are often allergic to cockroaches. Keep your house as clean as possible to discourage cockroaches from hanging around. Did you know that the FDA allows manufacturers a certain percentage by weight of cockroach parts in chocolate.?


2 Repertorien.

Ammi visnaga = Khella = Zahnstocherkraut/= Echter Ammei.

Datura stramonium = Stechapfel. GifTIG! Besonders giftig sind die Samen mit den Alkaloiden Atropin und Hyoscyamin, die bronchien-erweiternd wirken.

Aufgrund des schwankenden Alkaloidgehalts und nicht ausreichend belegter Wirkung bei Asthma (in der traditionellen Heilkunde wurden die Blätter verwendet)

wird die Anwendung der Droge bei Asthma heute abgelehnt.

Lobelia inflata = Aufgeblasene Lobelie. Sie war früher auch zur Anregung des Atemzentrums und als Antiasthmatikum gebräuchlich. Man isolierte daraus das Alkaloid Lobelin. Man setzte die Droge beziehungsweise ihre Zubereitungen lange Zeit (mit begrenztem Erfolg) als Asthmamittel ein. Heute ist die Droge obsolet (veraltet).

Die Indianer Nordamerikas nutzten die Pflanze als Tabakersatz und als Brechmittel. Etliche Lobelienarten sind beliebte Gartenpflanzen.

Ephedra, auch Meerträubel

[Dr. S.M. Gunavante]

Acute asthma from anger:Ars. Cham.


Hyper.: Asthma; injury, spine


In Asthma the diet plays a vital role. Thus, the use of alcohol, tabac, white flour, eggs, white sugar, meat, fish, milk, curd and puddings should be avoided.


Schüssler Salzen: Calc-f. Calc-p. Kali-m.

Cardiac asthma: Kali-p. Nervous asthma: Nat-m. Nat-p. Nat-s. Sil.


[Val Lawrence]

Therapeutic Remedies for Asthma and Other Breathing Difficulties 1Southern College of Homeopathy

Here are the remedies I have found most useful in treating lung conditions, in particular asthma. I have used them for chronic conditions and acute situations.

Generally I treat the person on a chronic level, but I also give them remedies to take with them in case of such an acute ‘attack’. Sometimes the homeopathic remedy for the acute will be the same as the one prescribed on the chronic level, but often another remedy is needed. Potency depends on the severity of the acute, but I usually choose a 30c or 200c.

Acon.: 200 or 10m – Panic and fear of dying. Give at beginning and during attack as needed, as well as any other indicated remedy.

Ant-t.: Lungs full of mucus, severe rattling of mucus, expectoration difficult or expectoration copious mucus thick, white and ropy. As the attack goes on the lungs fill up with mucus with great difficulty expectorating. Can’t lie down must sit up. Very sleepy. Aetiology of vaccination. > vomiting; belching; expectoration.

Apis.: Allergic asthma. Sensation as if throat closing up; can’t get air through the throat into the lungs. Terrible air hunger. Panting breathing,fears every breath would be their last. Burning stinging pains through the chest. Chest feels beaten and bruised. Expectoration sweetish.

Ars.: A combination of emotional, allergic and environmental causes. Generally not humid asthma, normally spasmodic. Asthma from lung or heart disease. Aetiologies; after anger; anxiety; nervous; after strong emotions; suppressed eruptions; exertion. Restless, must sit up, fear that they are going to die. Cyanosis. Constriction of the chest, chest feels too tight, too narrow. Feel as if they have a weight on their chest. Suffocative attacks during sleep must sit up. Scanty, frothy expectoration. < midnight, 1-3 h.;

exertion >: warmth/warm drinks;

Blatt.: Asthma from house dust, < dust. Humid asthma. Asthma with lots of mucus, chest rattles with it. Suffocation from lungs being full of mucus. Yellow mucus.

<: dust/rain/winter;

Carb-v.: asthma attacks, recurring asthma attacks. vitality lowers. Chilliness but > being fanned and < warmth. Blueness of face and lips. Breath cold. > belching; cold air.

Cupr-met.: Spasmodic state, extreme asthma (severe enough they die). Cyanosis. Asthma alternating with spasmodic vomiting. Cough themselves out of breath. Trembling after coughing. Hiccup before asthma. Although they are < breathing in cold air they are > cold drinks. <: 3 h./cough/laughing/bending backwards/before menses/breathing cold air; 3 h; > cold drinks;

Dulc.: Asthma from damp, wet weather, from cold wet weather, from damp ground or buildings. Asthma from becoming cold, from getting a cold. Asthma from sudden changes of weather. Humid asthma. Copious mucus.

Ip.:  Humid asthma. Grasps for breath, wants to be by an open window. Constant constriction in the chest and larynx, < least movement although > rocking back and forth with asthma. Loose rattle in lungs without expectorating. Pale face. Can look like Puls as > fresh air.

Kali-c.: <: 2-4 h.; Humid asthma with difficult expectoration. Attack comes on when they get a cold. Wakes from shortness of breath. Sensation of no air in the chest.

They are > for leaning forward with their elbows onto their knees or leaning on a table. Stitching/stabbing pains around the pleural membranes. State of anxiety, not as great

as Ars and they can be reassured. Irritable and peevish during an attack. Asthma alternating with diarrhea or vertigo. < from dust.

Lob-i.: Asthma preceded by prickling all over. Asthma with gastric disorders. Constriction of the chest causing dyspnea. Aids expectoration. Panic and fear of dying with breathing difficulties. Panting, suffocation. Asthma with dryness of mouth and throat. Must keep mouth open to breathe. Hyperventilation. < exertion; tobacco or tobacco smoke.

Lyc.: Often from emotional causes, from humiliation, embarrassment, failure. Craves air but is chilled by it. Short rattling breathing < lying on back. Feeling of tightness in the chest with a burning sensation. Expectoration gray, thick, bloody, salty. Flapping of alae nasi.

Med.: Can alternate with rheumatic problems. Asthma > lying on abdomen and sticking out tongue. Air hunger cannot exhale. Lungs feel stuffed with cotton wool. Lungs feel hot as if heated. < 3-4 h.; sunrise to sunset; cold, damp weather; mould. > sea air; knee/chest position.

Nat-s.: Asthma of children. Humid asthma, lots of mucus. Allergic asthma. Green, thick, ropy mucus. Aetiology of head or spinal injury. Every cold or unusual exertion brings on an attack of asthma. Piercing pain through lower left lobe. Desire to take a really deep breath. < damp weather or buildings; mould; early morning, 4-5am. > sitting.

Phos.: All types of asthma. Asthma after cough; from change of weather; exhaustion. Oppressive breathing. Congestion in the lungs. Chest feels full and heavy, dry and hot. Tight, suffocative breathing. Wheezing. Stitches in left upper lobe. Whole body trembles after coughing. Easy expectation which is frothy, bloody, rusty colored, salty, sour, sweetish or cold. < cough; least movement; evening; lying on left side.

Pothos foetidus (Ictodus foetida) – Asthma from inhaling any dust including animal dust. Spasmodic asthma. Asthma relieved by stool. Difficult breathing with sudden feeling of anguish and sweat followed by stool which relieves. > in open air < motion.

Puls.:Asthma from suppressed eruptions, suppressed menses; from colds; eating problems; emotional aspects. Wheezing. Feel as if there is a constriction in the throat or windpipe. Short of breath. Fear of death from suffocation. Craves open fresh air. Feels as if being smothered on lying down. Chest oppressed as if by a heavy load. Bland, yellow, greenish expectoration. < lying on left side; overheated; warm, stuffy rooms.

Sil.: Asthma after vaccinations, after long or serious illness. Asthma from working in dusty environment, asthma of brick workers or coal miners. Asthma, can’t bear a draft of cold air on back of neck. Breathing so hard that eyes seem to protrude. Asthma with spasms of larynx. Colds that descend onto chest causing asthma. Profuse foul, yellow, lumpy expectoration. Chilly person.

Spong.: Anxious, gasping breathing. Feels as if breathing through a dry sponge. Noisy whistling inspiration on falling asleep. Suffocation as from a plug, valve or leaf in the larynx. Sleeps into aggravation (Lach.), wakes with an asthmatic attack. Awakes in fright and feels as if suffocating, full of terror, fear of dying from suffocation. Attacks of heat with anxiety. Must throw head back with asthma. Dry asthma with great difficulty inhaling and asthmatic cough. Asthma < full moon; cold, dry winds, before midnight, > sitting forward.

Stann-met.: Asthma from exhaustion. Shortness of breath from every effort; must loosen clothes. Extreme weakness felt in the chest, too weak to talk. Chest feels raw or hollow. Copious green, sweet tasting expectation. Easy expectation, quantities of sweet, salty, sour balls of mucus fly from mouth.< talking.

Thuj.: After vaccination. Humid or allergic asthma. Arsenicum or Nat-s. indicated but fail to cure. Asthma with red face. Expectation easy, tastes of old cheese.

Difficulty breathing from mucus in the trachea. Short, difficult breathing < deep breathing or talking. < cold, wet weather; change of weather; deep breathing; night.


[Sayeed Ahmad]

ASTHMA (BRONCHIAL) The person suffering from this disease has repeated attacks of breathlessness and wheezing (Whistling sounds made by the breath). The wheezy attack can be identified by breathlessness with difficulty to breath out, noisy breathing, tight feeling in the chest, cough, slight fever. Wheezing is caused by:

a. Allergy 

b. Heredity

c. Infection

d. Emotion Wheezing is often accompanied by coughing and bluish lips. The patient may be perspiring and gasping for fresh air. The breathing difficulty in the patient

is caused by the constriction of bronchi as well as when these are full of secretions. Due to this, patient's breath has a wheezing sound in it while exhaling. The persons who are

suffering from asthma, it is very difficult for them to tolerate smoke, strong fumes, smell of fresh paints, white washing, house-dust from old books and files or from dusty

environment, perfumes etc.

There are two types of bronchial asthma, i.e.:

a. Extrinsic Asthma: This kind of asthma occurs due to allergy in the early period of life. In this patient develops asthma when he is exposed to allergic substances like pollens, house dust, etc. Due to allergy, patient also develops incessant sneezing (rhinitis) and eczema.

b. Instrinsic Asthma: This type of asthna occurs in the later period of life. This kind of asthma is not allergic but is caused by some pre-existing lungs diseases due to infections or chronic bronchitis.

SYMPTOMS OF ASTHMA The following symptoms indicate the possibility of being an asthmatic patient:

a. History of asthma in the family.

b. Coughing at the change of season.

c. Incessant sneezing at the change of season.

d. Running nose.

e. Throat infection occurs quite often.

f. Breathlessness after exertion.


1. ASTHMA (Bronchial):

Med. It is an intercurrent remedy when other well indicated remedies fail to act or give relief. Choking cough. Larynx feels sore. Much oppression

of breathing. > lying on stomach/seashore; Dyspnoea. Wants to be fanned. < wet damp draught/thunderstorms/from day light to sunset.

Syph.: Asthma returning every sum-mer. Wheezing and rattling. Worse at night.

< from sundown to sunrise. > during day/moving about slowly; Thuja — When asthma follows vacci-nation. Dry cough in the after-noon. Face pallid, waxy and shiny.

Warts off and on. Asthma in children. <: at night from heat of bed/at 3 h. and 15 h./from cold, damp air/after breakfast; It should be given intercurrently when

well selected remedies fail. Tub. — Shortness of breath. Sensation of suffocation, even with plenty of fresh air.  Cough  prevents sleeping in evening. Cough with viscid mucus. Worse motion, music, before a storm, standing, dampness, from draught, early morning and after sleep. Better in open air.

Attacks during wet weather or in rainy season. Attacks early in the morning. Dyspnoea. Must hold chest when coughing. Humid asthma, rattling in chest at 4 and 5 h.

Cough with thick ropy, greenish expectoration; chest feels all gone. Constant desire to take deep, long breath. Asthma in children, as a constitutional remedy. Every fresh cold brings on attack of asthma. If this remedy fails to give relief, give Medorrhinum as an intercurrent remedy. < lying on left side/dampness of basement/damp weather;

>: dry weather/pressure/changing position; Respiration short, panting, difficulty; feeling of a plug in larynx. Cough abates after eating or drinking (warm drinks).

Bronchial  catarrh, with wheezing asthmatic cough, < cold air, with profuse expectoration and suffocation; < lying with head low/in hot room/ascending/wind/before midnight; >: descending/resting in horizontal position; Humid asthma. Bubbling rales and muco-purulent expectoration. Oppression. Catarrhal dyspnoea. <: night/early morning/cold air; Spasmodic form of asthma with great weight on the chest with wheezing, anxiety, suffocation shortness of breath.



Remedies in general: Ip. Ars. Nat-s. Dulc. Kali-c. Ant-t. Kali-bi. Hep. Psor. Nux-v. Carb-v. Sulph. Sil. Tub. Bac. Dros. Med.

Leading Indications:

 Spasmodic - Ip. Ars.

 Dry - Ars.

 After autumn fever - Nat-s. Ip. Ars.

 < damp weather - Nat-s. Dulc.

 < dry and cold weather - Hep. Spong.


[Srimal, 1997:68]

Extracts of turmeric have exhibited anti-allergic properties while the oil of Curcuma longa showed positive results in patients with bronchial asthma


Eaton’s Domestic Practice for Parents and Nurses- Morton M. Eaton

Repertory: [Pran Choudhary]


Head: Pain # asthma: ang. glon. kali-br

Nose: Coryza-annual with asthmatic breathing: Ars. Ars-i. Bad. Carb-v. Dulc. Euph. IOD. kali-i. lach. Naja. nat-s. Nux-v. Sabad. sang. sil. Sin-n. stict

Sneezing-Hay asthma with: Ars. Carb-v. Dulc. Euph. lach. Naja. Nat-s. Nux-v. sin-n. stict

Face: Discoloration: Bluish in asthma: Stram. Tab

-------- Appears as if dying < at night - Chin.

Cough: Asthmatic (see also asthmatic under Respiration): Acon. Alum. Am-c. am-m. ambr. anac. ANT-T. aral. arg-n. arn. ARS. Ars-i. asa. aspar. bar-c. bar-m. Bell.

Brom. bry. calad. calc. calc-s. carb-an. carbn-s. Carb-v. caust. Cham. Chin. chin-a. chlor. cic. CINA. coc-c. cocc. con. cor-r. croc. Crot-t. CUPR-met. dig. dol. DROS. dulc.

Euph. euphr. Ferr-met. ferr-ar. ferr-i. ferr-p. guai. Hep. hyos. ign. iod. Ip. Kali-ar. kali-bi. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Kali-n. Kali-p. Kreos. Lach. Lact. Laur. Led. Lob. Lyc. merc.

mez. mosch. mur-ac. nat-m. nat-s. nicc-met.. nit-ac. Nux-m. NUX-V. op. petr. phel. phos. prun. psor. Puls. rhus-t. sabad. Samb. Sang. Sep. Sil. spig. Spong. squil.

stann-met. Stram. sulph. sulph-ac. Veratat. viol-o. zinc-met. Zing.

Wheezing - (see Asthmatic)

Respiration: Forenoon: 22 h. - 11 h.: Ferr-met.

Noon: Lob.

Evening: bell. Cist. ferr. nux-v. Phos. PULS. Stann-met. Sulph. Zinc-met.

Evening. after lying down: Aral. ars Cist. Meph.

Evening in bed: am-c. chin. graph. Sep.

Evening 21 h.: bry.

Night: Am-m. Ant-t. Ars. Aur-met. Brom. bry. carb-v. CHEL. Chlol. Cist. coff. coloc. daph. Dig. Ferr-met. ferr-ac. Ip. Kali-ar. Kali-c. lach. meph. nux-v. Op. phos. PULS.

sang. Sep. Sulph. Syph. Thuj. Zinc-met.

Night. 11 h.: meph

------- 22 h. when urinating: chel.

------- 22 h. - 2 h.: Ars-i.

------- after midnight: ARS. calc-ar. Carb-v. Ferr-met. ferr-ar. Graph. Lach. SAMB.

------------------------- 2 h.: ARS. kali-b. Rumex.

------------------------- 2 h. - 3h.: KALI-AR. KALI-C.

------------------------- 3 h.: Chin. Cupr. KALI-C. KALI-N.

------------------------- 4 h. - 5h.: Nat-s. stann-met.

------------------------- 5h.: kali-i.

------------------------- must spring out of bed: ARS. Graph. SAMB

Asthmatic: Acon. Agar. all-c. aloe. alum. Am-c. AMBR. anac. ant-c. Ant-t. Apis. ARG-N. arn. ARS. ARS-IOD. arum-t. Asaf. asar. Aur-met. bar-c. bar-m. Bell. Blat. Bov.

Brom. Bry. Cact. Calad. Calc. camph. Cann-s. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-s. Carb-v. Card-m. caust. cham. chel. Chin. Chin-a. Chlol. Cic. cina. cist. coc-c. cocc. Coff. Colch. coloc.

Con. croc. Crot-h. crot-t. CUPR-met. doph. dig. Dros. Dulc. eup-per. Euph. Ferr-met. Ferr-ar. ferr-i. ferr-p. Gels. Graph. grat. grind. Hep. Hippoz. hydr-ac. hyos. Ign. Iod.

Ip. KALI-AR. Kali-br. KALI-C. Kali-chl. Kali-i. KALI-N. Kali-p. Kali-s. lac-d. Lach. lact. Laur. Led. Lab. Lyc. manc (hipp). Med. meny. Meph. merc. mez. Mosch. Naja.

nat-a. Nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. Nat-s. Nit-ac. nux-m. Nux-v. Op. par. petr. phel. Phos. Phyt. Plat-met. plb. podo. Psor. PULS. ran-s. raph. rhod. rumx. Ruta. sabin. SAMB. Sang.

sars. sec. sel. Seneg. Sep. SIL. sin-n. spig. SPONG. squil. stann. STRAM. stront. SULPH. Sul-ac. Thuj. Verat. Verat-v. viol-o. viol-t. zinc-met.

Periodic: all-s. Alum. ant-t. ARS. Asaf. Carb-v. Chel. Hydr-ac. nux-v. Phos. Plb-met. Seneg. sulph. tab. Thuj.

---------- > every other day - Chin.

---------- Verat. 8 days: sulph.

Morning: Aur-met. Calc. carb-an. Carb-v. Coff. Con. dig. KALI-C. Meph. Phos. Verat. Zing.

Morning. bed in: alum. con

Morning on waking: alum. Con. Sep.

< Air. draught of: Sil.

> Air. open air: Am-c.

Anämie + Asthma: Calc-p.

Autumn: Chin

# eruptions: calad. crot-t. Hep. Kalm. lach. mez. rhus-t. Sulph.

# gout: benz-ac. lyc. Sulph

# headache: ang. glon. kali-br.

# nocturnal diarrhoea: Kali-c.

# urticaria: Calad.

After anger: Ars. CHAM.

> Bending head backwards: cham. SPONG. Verat.

Change of weather: Ars. chel. dulc

Children: Acon. ambr. CHAM. IP. kali-br. kali-i. mosch. nat-s. nux-v. psor. PULS. SAMB. Stram. Sulph.

----------- after vaccination: Thuj.

Cichorium w Unterstützende Behandlung bei kindlichem Asthma

Pastöses Kind, wenn die zu träge Stoffwechseltätigkeit unterstützt werden soll.

Bei Vorliegen einer intestinalen Dysbiose (Pilznachweis, unverdauter Stuhl).

Wirkung: Nach 2–4 Wo. Dauer: Bis 3 Mo.

Anwendung oft gemeinsam mit Calcium Quercus wa

Bemerkungen: Evtl. Cichorium Plumbo cultum w

Citrus. e fructibus/Cydonia. e fructibus.

Coition. after: Asaf. Cedr. Kali-bi.

Coition. during: Aeth. Ambr.

<: Cold air: Lob. Nux-v. Petr.

>: Cold air: Bry. carb-v. Cham. Merc.

Cold damp weather: DULC. Med. Nat-s.

Cold from. heated when: Sil.

Cold from. in summer: Ars.

Cold from taking: Acon. dulc Lab. Podo. Puls. Sil. SPONG. Stann-met.

Cold water <: Meph.

Cold water >: Cham.

< Coughing. Meph.

Cough, with difficult expectoration of clear, tenacious mucus – Chin.

Dinner. after: thuj.

Drunkards: Meph.

Dust. from inhaling: Ictod.

Eating after: kali-p. Nux-v. Puls.

Eating after >: ambra. Graph.

Emotion after: Acon. ambr. cham. Coff. cupr-met. Gels. Ign. nux-v. pall-met. Verat.

Eructations >: carb-v. nux-v.

Eruptions after suppressed: Apis. Ars. Carb-v. Dulc. Ferr. hep. Ip. Psor. PULS. sec. Sulph.

Excitement: ambr.

Excitement. >: hyper.

< expiration: Sambucus, Mephitis and Chlorum.

Eaton’s Domestic Practice for Parents and Nurses- Morton M. Eaton

Forehead with. after disappearance of latter on face: dulc

Flatulence. From: Carb-v. Cham. Chin. Lyc. mag-p. Nux-v. op. phos. Sulph. zinc-met.

Hay asthma: Ambro. Ars. Ars-i. Bad. Carb-v. Dulc. Euphr. IOD. Kali-i. Lach. Naja. Ant-s. Nux-v. Op. Sabad. Sil. Sin-n. Stict.

Heart. from fatty degeneration of: ARN.

Humid see rattling

Hysterical: MOSCH. NUX-M. Nux-v. phos. PULS. Stann-met. stram. sulph.

Injury of spine. after: Hyper.

 Intermittent Verat. with: mez.

Leaning backward: Psor.

Menses, after: brom. Carb-v.

Menses, after suppression of: Puls. Spong.

Menses. before: sulph.

Menses. during: kali-c.

Mental exertion: sep.

Mercury. after: aur-met.

Miners asthma from cold dust: Nat-a.

Music <: ambr.

Old people. in: Ambr. ARS; Bar-c. Carb-v. Con. phel. Sulph.

Rash. after suppression of acute: acon. Apis. Puls.

Riding <: meph:

Rocking >: kali-c.

Rose cold. Following: sang.

Sailors as soon as they go ashore: BROM.

< Sitting/lying down: Ferr-acet.

Sleep, coming on during: Acon. Ars. Carb-v. Hep. Kali-c. lach. meph. nat-s. op. sep. Sulph.

Spasmodic: am-c. Ant-t. arg-n. ARS. Asaf. Bell. Cact. caust. Cocc. coff. con. Cupr. Dros. Ferr-met. ferr-p. Gels. Graph. Hydr-ac. Hyos. Ip. Kali-br. kali-c. Lach. Laur.

Led. LOB. Mag-p. Meph. merc. mez. Mosch. nux-v. Op. phos. ph-ac. Plb-met. Puls. raph. samb. Sars. Sep. SPONG. Stram. sulph. Sumb. tab. VALER. Zinc-met.

Stool >: Ictod.

Sudden attacks: cupr-met. Ip.

Suffocative fits in the evening in bed: Chin.

Talking <: Dros.

Talking >: ferr-met.

Thunderstorm. during: sep. Sil. Syph.

Urinating while: chel.

Vaccination after: thuj.

Vexation. from: ars.

Warm food <: Cham. Lob.

Warm room <: am-c. carb-v. kali-s.

Warm room from the open air: Bry.

Warm wet weather: Bell. Carb-v. Wet weather, in: Aur-met. Chin. con. Dulc. sil. Verat.

Wind. walking against: cupr-met.

Winter attacks: Carb-v. Nux-v. phel.

Rattling: Acet-ac. Acon. agar. All-c. alum. Am-c. Am-m. anac. ant-ox. ANT-T. Apis. APOC. arg-n. ARS. Ars-i. Art-v. asaf. Asc-t. Bar-c. Bar-m. Bell. Brom. bry. bufo. CACT. Calc. Calc-p. Calc-s. camph. cann-s. Carb-an. Carb-h. Carb-s. Carb-v. CAUST. Cham. Chel. CHIN. Chinin-a. chinin-s. chlor. cic. Cina. Coc-c. cop. crot-t. cub. CUPR-met.

dig. DULC. Euphr. Ferr-met. ferr-ar. ferr-i. ferr-p. Graph. HEP. HIPPOZ. hydr-ac. Hyos. Iod. Ip. Kali-ar. Kali-bi. Kali-c. Kali-chl. kali-i. kali-p. KALI-S. Lach. lact. laur.

lob. lyc. lyss. (hydroph.). Manc (Hipp). merc. morph. mosch. Mur-ac. nat-c. Nat-m. Nat-s. Nit-ac. Nux-m. Nux-v. Op. ox-ac. Petr. PHOS. Ph-ac. phyt. Plb-met. PULS.

Pyrog. Ran-b. rumx. Sang. sanic. sant. sars. sel. senec. SENEG. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann-met. Stram. Strych. Sulph. sul-ac. syph. tab. thuj. Verat. Zinc-met. zing.

Chest: Constriction. Asthmatic: Ang. coff. Led. mel. naja. nux-v. sulph

Dropsy. asthma with: psor.

Eruptions. rash # asthma: calad

Limbs: Discoloration upper limbs: blue with asthma: Kali-c

Eruptions forearm pimples # asthma: calad

Eruptions forearm rash # asthma: calad

Eruptions upper arm rash # asthma: calad. mez

Pain gouty in joints # asthma: sulph


The main constitutional medicines are:






The above medicines are to be given inter-currently in potency not below 200. No other medicine is to be given for 2 – 3 days before and after. If any of the above medicines have the desired effect. further drugging of the patient should be avoided.


Akut: Erio. (= Yerba santa)


Difficult getting air into the lungs: Brom. Iod.

Difficult getting air out of lungs: Chlor. Sulph.

In rapid short breaths: Acon. Ant-t. Phos.

Shallow: Acon. Ant-t. Nux-v. Phos.

Wheezy: Ars. Cinch. Hep. Ip. Phos.

Rattling: Seneg. Sil.

---------- and wheezing: Ip. Seneg. Sil. Squil.

“As if air passages were full of smoke”: Brom.

With fear of suffocation: Ars. Ip. Sulph. Verat.


Easy: Cinch.

Cannot perspire: Cham.

Profuse: Hyper.


Chocking: Hep.

Loose: Dulc. Nat-s.

Dry: Acon. Ars. Bry. Med. Nux-v. Psor.

Violent: Kali-c.

--------- and incessant: Ip.

Spasmodic: Aral. Cupr. Phos.

Paroxysmal: Nux-v. Samb.

Deep sounding. hoarse: Dros.

< After physical exercise: Dulc.

With: desire but inability to cough: Cham.

With: vomiting: Kali-c. Ip. Lob.

With: ending with vomiting: Ip.

With: pain in chest under short ribs: Lob.

With: bleeding from the nose: Dros.

With: must hold chest when coughing: Nat-s.

With: caused by tickling in throat pit: Rumex


Difficult: Alumen. Dulc.

Profuse: Blatta. Grind. Sulph.

<: Hyper.

Bloody: Nux-v.

None: Cupr.

>: Rapid walking: Lob.

Stool: Ictod.

From being at seaside: Med.


< Change from warm to cold: Dulc.

< Wet and damp: Dulc. Nat-s. Sil.

< Dry cold air: Hep. Rumx

< Foggy: Hyper. Kali-c.

< Warm dry weather: Syph.

< Damp weather: Hep.


In right lower chest: Kali-c

In left lower chest: Nat-s.

In right and then in left lungs: Lyc.

Through upper third of right lung: Ars.

Through lung to back: Kali-hyd.

In chest and mammæ: Med.

With burning feeling: Ars.

With a constrictive feeling in the chest: Ars. Cupr. Ip. Lach.

With cramplike feeling in cardiac region: Ptel.


Painful larynx: Med. Phos.

Persistent nausea: Ip.

Dyspnœa (Shortness of breath): Acon. Dulc. Euc. Ip. Kali-p. Lach. Med. Psor. Sil. Sulph.

Hands and face blue: Squil.

Face pale: Sil.

Liability to get colds: Cinch.


23 h. to midnight: Aral.

Midnight to 2 h.: Ars. Samb.

2 to 3 h.: Dros. Kali-ars. Samb.

2 to 4 h.: Kali-c.

3 h.: Samb.

4 to 5 h.: Nat-s.

< In morning: Lach.

> Day time: Med.

Always < at night: Aral. Dros. Syph. Tub.


24 h. Genau                         Chlor. Ferr-met.

Ars. Carb-v. Ferr-met. Samb.

1 h.                                     Ars. Rumx. Ars-i.

2 h.                                     Kali-ars. Kali-c.

3 h. genau                         Am-c. Cupr-met. Kali-c. Kali-n. Nat-s.


4 h.                                     Nat-s. Stann-met.

            Bis 9 h.: Calc. Carb-v. Con. Kali-c. Meph. Verat.

5 h. genau                         Kali-i.

6 h.

            < nach Schlaf (erwachend) Lach

7 h.

8 h.

9 h.

10 h.

             Bis 11 h. Ferr-met.

11 h.

12 h.

13 h.

14 h.

15 h.

16 h.

            Bis 20 h. Lyc.

17 h.

18 h.

            Bis 21 h. Phos. Puls. Sulph. Zinc-met.

19 h.

20 h.

            Nach hinlegen ins Bett: Ant-t. Cist.

21 h. genau                         Bry.

            Bis 4 h. Aral. Ars. Brom. Carb-v. Chel. Dig. Ferr-met. Ip. Kali-c. Op. Phos. Puls. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. Syph.

22 h.            Genau                         Meph.

23 h. Genau             Aral. Chel.

            - 2 h.


On face in knee/chest position: Med.

Must sit up: Ant-t.

Must sit up as fears suffocation: Ars.

Must lie with head high: Ars. Cinch.

Must lie flat on back with arms outstretched: Psor.

Sleepless: Chlor.

< Lying down: Grind. Kali-c. Sulph.

> Lying down: Psor. Verat.

> From stool: Ictod.

Awakes suddenly 3 h. nearly suffocated. has to sit up: Samb.


Fair haired. delicate-skinned: Brom.

Corpulent: Blatta

Easy perspiring: Cinch.

Old people particularly: Carb-v. Kali-c.

Sensitive. result of mental emotions: Coff.

Dark haired: Iod.


> at seaside: Med.

> in open air: Iod. Napth.

< for pressure on throat: Lach. Rumex

< for motion: Ars. Verat.

< for talking: Arum-t. Dros.

< in warm room: Iod.

< for food: Kali-p.

< with annual hayfever: Verat: Psor.

< due to exertion: Aspido. Coca. Ars.

< due to dust: Ictod. Brom.

< going upstairs: Kali-p.


Sailor gets asthma on going to shore: Brom.

Attack of asthma due to mental or nervous emotions: Coff. Kali-p. Succ-ac.


Eczema: Ars. Ant-c.

Measles: Carb-v.

Whooping cough: Carb-v.


[Dr. Nahida M. Mulla]

Acon.: during acute attacks of asthma that will ease breathing and coughing. Symptoms are often accompanied by marked anxiety, fear, restlessness.

Ant-t.: used in conventional medicine for asthma, can also be used as a homoeopathic treatment for certain symptoms. The keynote for using this option is the presence of fine rattling or crackling sounds in the chest. The chest also seems full of phlegm that the patient cannot cough up. The patient must sit up at about 3 a.m., has great difficulty breathing, and feels suffocated. Antimonium tartaricum is especially suited to young children and the elderly.

Aral.: asthmatic conditions + cough < lying down. Drenching sweat during sleep. Extreme sensitiveness to draughts. Diarrhea, prolapse of rectum. Aching in rectum extending upwards; < lying on side lain upon.

Ars.: asthma with great anxiety and restlessness, often worse around midnight and lying down, better by sitting up and warm drinks.

Can feel exhausted, yet be very restless and anxious. Breathing problems < lying down, better when sitting up, and may begin, or be the most intense, between midnight and

2 h. Dry wheezing may progress to a cough that brings up frothy whitish fluid. Can be thirsty, taking frequent tiny sips. General chilliness is usually seen, with burning pains in the chest and heat in the head. Warmth often brings improvement.

Blat-o.: A remedy for asthma (+ bronchitis). Indicated after Ars. when fails. Cough with DYSPNOEA in bronchitis and phthisis. Acts best in stout and corpulent patients. Much pus-like mucus.

Carb-v.: Feels weak or faint with a hollow sensation in the chest. Coughing jags can lead to gagging. May be very cold (especially hands and feet), yet feels a need for moving air, wanting to sit beside a fan or open window. Gas and digestive upset are also likely, and sitting up and burping offers some relief. < evening/talking/eating/lying down.

Caust.: Cough with rawness of chest. Expectoration scanty and must be swallowed. Cough with pain in hip, > drinking cold water. Cannot lie down at night. Voice re-echoes. Own voice roars in ears and distresses. Intensely sympathetic child.

Crot-t.: Coughs as soon as he touches the pillow and must get up. Sensitive to deep breathing. Asthma with cough; cannot expand the chest. Drawing pain from left of back into chest.

Cham.: Asthma with a dry, hard, irritating cough that starts after being exposed to moving air, or after becoming overexcited and angry, may be helped with this remedy. Cough often < 21 h., and may continue into the night. The person seems hypersensitive and may be extremely irritable and agitated. (Children may even shriek and hit, though they often calm down if someone carries them.)

Cupr-met.: Cough has a gurgling sound and > drinking cold water. Suffocative attacks < 3 h. Spasm and constriction of chest. Spasmodic asthma # spasmodic vomiting. Angina with asthmatic symptoms and cramps.

Ictofoetides.: Asthma brought on or made < from inhalation of dust of any kind.

Ip.: Coughing spasms that lead to retching or vomiting strongly indicate this remedy. Wheezing can come on suddenly with a feeling of suffocation and heaviness in the chest. Mucus collects in breathing tubes, but the person has difficulty coughing much out. The person may sweat a lot and feel clammy or nauseous, be worse from motion, and sometimes worse from warmth.

Kali-bi.: might help attacks at about 3 or 4 h., with a feeling as if there were no air in the chest. The patient feels compelled to sit up to breathe, and bending forward while sitting brings some relief. > coughing up stringy yellow mucus.

Lob-i.: Attacks with weakness, felt in the pit of stomach and preceded with prickling all over. Feels as if heart would stop. Sensation of weight or pressure in chest, > rapid walking.

Nat-m.: treats general symptoms including a worsening of asthma when exposed to mold and dampness; attacks occur at about 4 - 5 h.; and the patient sits up and holds the chest with the hands while coughing. Wheezing and breathing difficulties are aggravated by exertion. The patient usually also has loose bowels after each attack.

Nat-s.: Attacks are brought on by exposure to mold and dampness. May hold the chest while coughing, because it feels so weak. Wheezing and breathing difficulties

<: exertion/very early morning;

Nux-v.: Tense, constricted feeling in the chest during asthma attacks, with pressure in the stomach. Often < in the morning. Overindulgence in stimulants, alcohol, sweets, or strong spicy food can bring on or aggravate an episode. Both physical effort and mental exertion can make things worse, and warmth and sleep often bring relief. Typically very irritable and impatient, with a general feeling of chilliness.

Puls.: Wheezing that starts when a person gets too warm (in a stuffy room), or after eating rich food, can indicate this remedy. Coughing brings up yellow-colored mucus, with gagging and choking. Tightness in the chest < in the evening and at night, and > cool fresh air. A person who needs this remedy is likely to be changeable and emotional, wanting a lot of attention and comforting. (often useful in children’s illnesses.)

Samb.: Paroxysmal suffocative cough coming on about midnight with crying and dyspnoea. Sniffles of infants, nose dry and obstructed. Child awakes nearly suffocating, sits up and turns blue. Cannot expire. Millers asthma.

Spong.: A hard or “barking” cough during an asthma attack is a strong indication for this remedy. Breathing can be labored, with a sawing sound, and not much mucus is produced. The person may feel best when sitting up and tilting the head back, or when leaning forward. Warm drinks may be helpful. The problems often start while the person is asleep (typically before midnight). Spongia is often used in croup, as well.

Sterculia: Asthma. It gives power to endure prolonged physical exertion with taking food and without feeling fatigued. It promotes appetite and digestion.

Stram.: In nervous asthma, where the voice suddenly gives out and takes on a higher pitch. Great sense of suffocation with tight feeling across chest; face becomes blue.

Sulph.: Oppression and burning sensation in chest. Difficult respiration, wants windows open. Dyspnoea in the middle of night, > sitting up. Pulse more rapid in morning than in the evening. Complaints relapse


Please keep in mind that the following homeopathics won’t necessarily cure asthma unless the remedy appropriately matches the individual’s personality.

Ant-t.: is a good asthma remedy for children and the elderly; especially useful when the asthma has been caused by an infection. The cough will have coarse rattling in the chest on both inspiration and expiration. The patient will be worse lying down and at night generally. They may be irritable and want to be left alone.

Ip.: good for asthma patients who suffer from coughing spasms resulting in vomiting or retching. It’s also best for asthma that comes with mucus or phlegm in breathing tubes.

Carb-v.: used for severe acute attacks of wheezing with significant belching and flatus. Patient feels very weak and may collapse.

Kali-c.: this remedy often indicated in asthma, especially when the attack comes at night, after midnight, from 2:00 am to 4:00 am.

Bell.: this remedy works when there are violent spasms of asthmatic breathing attended by constriction of chest with redness of face.

Aspidosperma.: an effective remedy in asthma with difficult respiration. It is often used as a palliative.

Blat-o.: remedy for asthma with or without bronchitis. It is often used as a palliative.

Lyc.: for asthma due to excitement by anger or emotion with fanlike motion.

Puls.: cough with green discharge. The patient must sit up during the asthma crisis and is better with fresh air. Even fanning may help them feel better.

Sulph.: this asthma remedy acts well when asthma is due to suppression of eruptions.

Nat-s.: indicated for attacks during wet weather or in rainy season. This asthma remedy acts well when the patient gets attacks every change of season.

- See more at:


Alum-sil.:  Difficult breathing from coughing, asthmatic breathing with rattling in chest.4  Catarrh of chest, pain, raw feeling.

Aspi.: Asthma with difficult respiration.4 Cardiac asthma. 5

Calad.: Asthma alternate with itch rash.4 Catarrhal asthma; mucus not readily    raised. Breathing impeded. 5

Carbn-s.: Asthma with difficult or fast breathing Broken down constitution by abuse of alcohol.

Chloralum: Asthma with wheezing respiration; inspiration though the nose and expiration blown from the lips in lying position.4 Extreme dyspnoea, with sensation of weight and constriction of chest.

Kalium sulfuricum chromicum.: Asthma with great oppression and thick expectoration, difficult to detach.

Grind.: Abnormal accumulation of mucus, breathing stops when asleep. Asthma in old persons suffering from bronchitis which causes partial paralysis of  pneumogastric nerve. Cheyne-stokes respiration.

Hydr-ac.: Severe attack of nervous asthma with intense constriction of chest. Noisy and agitated breathing. Asthma with contraction of throat. Paralysis  of lungs. Cyanosis; venously congested lungs

Meph.: Asthma in drunkards. Violent hacking cough as if would die with each attack. Few paroxysms in day time, but many at night with vomiting after eating. Asthma , as from inhaling vapour of sulphur.

Mosch.: In asthma of nervous origin occurring mostly in hysterical women, or in children from exposure to cold; sense of spasmodic constriction in the upper part of the windpipe with paroxysms of suffocating feeling as if caused by inhalation of sulphur vapour. Asthma with anxiety, fear and smothering sensation.5

Pothos foetidus: Asthma worse from inhalation of dust and relieved by stool.

Pulmo vulpis: With enormous whistling and rattling and dropsy of the lungs. Wolf’s  lung.

Seneg.: Asthma with loud coarse rales of mucus, tough and ropy which cannot  be raised; gasping and coughing with dry throat. Chronic bronchitis. Covers catarrhal condition of respiratory organs. Cough often ends in a sneeze. Rattling in chest

Yerba santa: Wheezing; asthma with coryza and mucous secretions. Dull pain in  right lung. Burning in fauces. Chronic bronchitis, bronchial tuberculosis, with profuse, easily raised bronchial secretion, giving relief Asthma > expectoration.

Zingibar: Asthma of gastric origin; breathing difficult. Stitches in chest < towards morning.



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